Engage with one another—especially across difference
Alluvial Collective
Jackson, Mississippi
The Alluvial Collective works to end inequity based on difference by cultivating belonging and wholeness in the world.
Primary Audience: General
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
To help people be in conversation with one another in an accessible, productive way.
Primary Audience: Adults in the U.S.
Individuals, Via Telephone, Facilitated
American Pals
Berkeley, California
Help young Americans get to know their own country and fellow citizens better.
Primary Audience: High School & Middle School Students
Groups, Mail
American Public Square
Kansas City, Missouri
To convene non-like-minded people to improve the tone and quality of civil discourse to create paths toward actionable common ground.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Aristotle’s Cafe
Raleigh, North Carolina
To improve community, state, and national discourse with our unique approach to Facilitation, questions, communication, and empathy.
Primary Audience: High School and College Students
Teaching our unique approach to Facilitation
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Arizona Town Hall
Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona Town Hall educates, engages, connects, and empowers people to resolve important issues through consensus, not division, using a process based on respectful dialogue that values diverse perspectives, builds relationships, and fosters leadership development.
Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
At the Table Colorado
Castle Rock, Colorado
Convene forums, designed to elevate civic conversation, foster new relationships and inspire collaborative action across Colorado.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
To Create Conversation and Connection in our schools, communities, and families.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
“How Do You See The World?" (Card Game)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
"Why Can't We All Just Get Along?" (Card Game)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
"What's Wrong With Grown-Ups?" (Card Game)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
BreakBread World
New York, New York
The BreakBread mission is to grow a global community dedicated to reweaving our common humanity over active and inspired conversation while sharing in the intimate act of breaking bread together. Our dream is a world where deep listening and inquiry, intentional community and friendship, and full body/mind nourishment trumps the compulsion to obsess over social media, junk news and the marketplace.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
BreakBread World Host Training
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online, Facilitated and DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Breaking Bread
Washington, DC
Breaking Bread shines a light on divergent people coming together across their disagreements to foster the mutual recognition, respect, and understanding necessary to engage others, learn about opposing viewpoints, and make a positive impact in our community on pressing matters.
Primary Audience: Divergent Communities
Geographic Footprint: 3 states
Bridges Intergroup Relations Consulting
Los Angeles, California
Bridges supports organizations and communities to build vibrant spaces of belonging – spaces where we celebrate our complex identities, explore our differences productively, and build resilient relationships between groups.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Bridges of Peace
Springfield, Oregon
The Mission of Bridges of Peace is to educate and support individuals, organizations, and communities to become empowered to fulfill their greatest potential through mindful action, dialogue, and collaboration.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Bridge USA
San Francisco, California
We’re investing in the future of democracy by developing the next generation of engaged and constructive citizens.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 19 states (35 colleges)
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Build Up
San Francisco, California
Build Up is a global non-profit working beside local organizations to identify and address emergent challenges to peace through interventions, research and training that combine peacebuilding best practices, participatory methodologies and digital technologies. We convene a community of practice at the Build Peace conference.
Primary Audience: Peacebuilders
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Building Bipartisan Bonds
Denver, Colorado
Building Bipartisan Bonds is an ambitious bipartisan effort to bridge the schisms in our society from the bottom up. The marketplace of ideas and the health of our community increasingly require that we disagree without being disagreeable. Building Bipartisan Bonds believes that bringing our community together around a table through discourse is the best way to bring our country together. It is our hope that these efforts will be copied, scaled, and implemented elsewhere. We’re here to engage in conversation, dialogue, and discussion with others who might be outside the bounds of our usual ideological groups. Sessions will be carefully planned to create the most productive, informative, and enjoyable bipartisan time as possible.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Small-group dialogue based on active listening and emphathy-building
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Building Reconciliation Inclusion Diversity and Gender Equity
Brandon, Florida
Building Reconciliation Inclusion Diversity and Gender Equity is creating a more just, equitable, and inclusive world through advancing "Human Together" and the practice of reconciliation.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Reconciliation workshops and mediations for Faith-based entities and other businesses
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Inclusion and Equity trainings for Faith-based entities
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
California Conference for Equality & Justice
Long Beach, California
CCEJ is dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry, and racism through education, dialogue, and conflict resolution.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Southern California
Race Stories
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Building Bridges Youth Program
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Care Lab
Washington, D.C.
Bringing people and ideas together across divides, to create a more care-centered world.
Primary Audience: Elected Officials
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Cat Moore
Los Angeles, California
My mission is to embody the message, "You Belong Here." I activate people from all walks of life to become wifi hotspots of belonging everywhere they are and support organizations through organic strategy for cultures of belonging.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Center for Building a Culture of Empathy
El Cerrito, California
Building a global culture of empathy
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Global
Empathy Circle Practice and Training
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Center for Building a Culture of Empathy
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Center for Integrative Leadership at the University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Center for Integrative Leadership builds shared leadership for public good. Our mission is: enabling the development of skills to engage effectively across the business, government, and non-profit sectors in the next generation of leaders; generating knowledge of how to organize, sustain, and evaluate cross-sector leadership for public good; and growing capacity for cross-sector leadership on complex societal challenges where authority, engagement, and resources are distributed across sectors.
Primary Audience: Business, government, and nonprofit sectors
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Minnesota Young American Leaders Program
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Minimum Viable Benefit Process
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Minnesota Gubernatorial Oral Histories
Individuals, Online, DIY
Integrative Leadership Seminar
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Cross-Sector Conversation Series
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Center of Life
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
To provide families and youth with the life skills, education, training, and resources necessary to be strong and to make their communities strong.
Primary Audience: Minority or Underrepresented Groups
Geographic Footprint: 22 Communities
Social Justice Resource Center
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Citizen Assembly
Bensenville, Illinois
We bring together citizens in weekly free-speech forums to deliberate and develop the best solutions to our common problems. If you have a good idea, we want to hear it. If you want to lead, we will help you.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Global
Make it easy for others to share your ideas
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
North Carolina
Enabling civil discourse and problem solving with the other side.
Primary Audience: General Audience
Individual, Online, DIY
Civic Imagination Project
Los Angeles, California
To realize the full potential of our communities, build on our past, and chart paths forward, we need to be able to imagine what better worlds look like…even now, especially now. Responding to this imperative, the Civic Imagination Project activates people’s visions for what a better tomorrow might look like as a necessary step to connecting with others and taking action to achieve real-world goals. Over the last 7 years, our project team has built tools with people from all over the world, helping them build action plans to realize imagined solutions. To activate the civic imagination, we conduct workshops and brainstorming sessions with people from a wide range of communities to map and analyze stories that inspire and connect people, bridging the gaps people see as dividing us.
Primary Audience: General
Origin Stories Workshop: Imagining Ourselves as Civic Agents
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Monuments from the Future: Bringing Imaginative Dimensions to Our Real World Spaces and Places
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Infinite Hope: Imagining a Better World
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Popular Culture and Civic Imagination Toolkit
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Practicing Futures - Civic Imagination Workshop Modules
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Civic Synergy
New Jersey
Enable our nation to address pressing challenges by empowering young adults to communicate and collaborate effectively across political divides; feel comfortable deliberating with those who have different views; and connect and facilitate action beyond dialogue.
Primary Audience: Young adults, ages 18-30
Civic Synergy Collaborative Leadership Program
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
San Diego, California
To reunite our nation by offering an online community to civilly discuss the issues that affect us all and collaborate on solutions.
Primary Audience: Voting-Age Americans
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Civic Leadership Project
Washington, D.C.
The nonprofit Civic Leadership Project provides a practical holistic framework for a city, state or rural community to create a civic culture that can strengthen its civic capacity — its ability to work together to solve collective problems — as well as create a more robust nonprofit sector with the giving, volunteering and sense of community responsibility needed to successfully address the educational, social, economic and environmental challenges it faces.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Community Conversations - A Project for America
Washington, D.C.
We are committed to addressing the growing civic divide that has left our nation more polarized than any time since the Civil War. This polarization poses an urgent threat to America that goes far beyond arguments at family dinner tables or bickering on social media. It puts our national security and the very foundation of our Democracy at risk. By sewing disinformation into the fabric of our most personal conversations, our enemies are effectively exploiting, dividing, and distracting us from the real issues facing our nation and communities. That is why Community Conversations is a project for America. It brings Americans together to stop fighting and start listening because our country can’t afford to be pulled further apart.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 9 States
Workshops, content development, resources, events
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Community Initiatives Network
Fort Collins, Colorado
Advancing communities marked by a sense of belonging, stewardship, and willingness to act for the common good.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Zeeland, Michigan
Connecting and convening leaders to work together for the improvement of their neighborhoods, communities, and cities.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 7 states
Hopeful Neighborhood Project Lab
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Asset-Based Community Development 101
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Serving With Dignity
Groups, In-person, Facilitated
Consensus Building Institute
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Working at the forefront of collaboration and conflict resolution, helping leaders generate breakthrough results on tough social, environmental, and economic issues.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Public interest issue facilitation & mediation
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Training in multi-stakeholder problem solving
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Consensus KC
Kansas City, Missouri
To put the public in public policy
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Public Engagement Consulting Solutions for Municipalities and Elected Officials
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Strategic Planning and Action Planning
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Research and Analysis Services
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The Constructive Dialogue Institute is a psychology-based nonprofit that builds educational tools to equip college students, high school students, and professionals with the skills for constructive dialogue.
Primary Audience: College Students
Perspectives: An online learning program
Groups, Online, DIY
Consulting Office of Maria Ramos-Chertok
San Francisco, California
To advance human dignity mutual understanding through transformative dialogue and interactive, thought provoking engagements.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Year Long Fellowship Across the Political Divide
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
Washington, D.C.
We convene individuals and organizations with divergent views to build trust, identify solutions, and form alliances for action on critical national issues.
Primary Audience: Influencers & Decision Makers
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Open, hosted conversations in cafés as well as conferences and classrooms—anywhere people gather to make sense of our world.
Primary Audience: General
Conversation Café Wallet Cards
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Resources for Hosting Conversation Cafés
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Resources for Hosting Online Conversation Cafés in the Time of Pandemic
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Conversations in Dialogue
Raleigh, North Carolina
Cultivate an appreciation for honest and empathetic dialogue between diverse voices.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Direct community building and interaction
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Courageous Conversations About Our Schools
Placerville, California
Courageous Conversations About Our Schools podcast is devoted to bringing education stakeholders together with diverse perspectives to have civil and fruitful conversations about issues at the center of today's culture wars in education.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY or Facilitated
Creating Common Ground, Inc.
Salem, Massachusetts
Creating Common Ground helps people bridge divides on contentious interpersonal, social and political issues. It does this by providing instruction (workshops, seminars, talks) on how to resolve around interpersonal, organizational and socio-political settings, and by publishing CCG Magazine, an online forum in which experts, pundits and ordinary people propose novel ways to resolve intractable social problems, communicate in constructive ways, and otherwise build shared values to live by.
Primary Audience: General
Dialectical Problem-Solving
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Creating Common Ground Magazine
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Crossing Party Lines
New York, New York
Create open dialogue between Americans with dissimilar ideologies in order to increase tolerance, build communities, and encourage civic engagement.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 7 states
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Movie Nights and Documentary Screenings
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
CSU Center for Public Deliberation
Fort Collins, Colorado
Elevate the quality of public discourse in northern Colorado.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Social psychology behind polarization and division
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Davenport Institute
Malibu, California
Build stronger communities in California by promoting public participation in local governance.
Primary Audience: Elected officials
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Certificate in Advanced Public Engagement for Local Government
Individual, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Certificate in Leading Smart Communities
Individual, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
David Mathews Center for Civic Life
Montevallo, Alabama
Strengthen civic life in Alabama by increasing active citizenship, community collaboration, and effective decision-making.
Primary Audience: Alabama residents
Geographic Footprint: 67 communities
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Civic Institutes for Youth & Adults
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center
Atlanta, Georgia
The Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center (DDNRC) advances innovative practices in higher education that promote transformative dialogue on controversial topics and complex social issues.
Primary Audience: College faculty and administrators
Geographic Footprint: 3 states
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Dignity Dialogues
Orlando, Florida
Dignity Dialogues builds bridges to unity and peace through civil dialogue that, first and foremost, honors the human dignity inherent in each person.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, In-Person or Online, Facilitated
Dream Corps
Oakland, California
Closing prison doors and opening doors of opportunity.
Primary Audience: Minority or underrepresented groups
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Groups or Individuals, In-Person or Online, DIY or Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
End It For Good, Inc.
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
We invite people to support approaches to drugs that prioritize life and the opportunity to thrive.
Primary Audience: Stakeholder groups in the War on Drugs and the Opioid Epidemic
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Ending The War on Drugs Tedx Talk - Christina Dent
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Building Momentum: Inviting More People to Support Health-Centered Approaches to Drugs
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Equitable Dinners
Atlanta, Georgia
Our vision is to inspire Anti-Racism action through art and courageous conversation.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, In-Person or Online, Facilitated
Tomball, Texas
Our chief mission is to remove the ideological barrier of "race" from the American mindset in order to unite all people through intentional interaction and relationship building.
Primary Audience: Faith communities
Geographic Footprint: 48 states
Dialogic Rules - The Art of Dialogue
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
The House
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
De-Racialization; The Process
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
New York, New York
Essteem was born out of a need to balance the social and economic divide in technology. We aim to transform and diversify tech by organizing hackathons that connect underrepresented talent to employers.
Primary Audience: Minority or underrepresented groups
Hackathons to build tech solutions
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Workshops and Webinars
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Fact or Fiction Trivia
Denver, Colorado
Combatting the spread of misinformation and polarization through trivia.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Individuals, Online, DIY
Fact or Fiction Week in Review
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Faith Matters Network
Nashville, Tennessee
Equips faith leaders, community organizers, and activists with resources for connection, spiritual sustainability and accompaniment.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 6 states
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Chicago, Illinois
To co-create a just and sustainable world by holding space for the magic of human connection.
Primary Audience: General
BIPOC: A Safe Space By Us & For Us
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Gatherings In The Goo: What Is Emerging For You During This Time of Transformation?
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Purpose & Justice: Becoming Anti-Racist
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Happier You: Healing for the Holidays
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Fierce Civility Project
Washington, D.C.
The Fierce Civility Project provides tools and experiences to compassionately bridge differences, break gridlocks of polarization, and revive the global heart.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 15 states
Fierce Civility Ambassador Training
Individuals or Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Fierce Civility Foundations
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Reviving the Global Heart Online Practice
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
For All Ages
Simsbury, Connecticut
For All Ages is connecting the generations and inspiring action to end loneliness, reduce ageism, and improve health and well-being.
Primary Audience: Adults age 50+ and youth/young adults
Geographic Footprint: Connecticut and Massachusetts
Tea @ 3 Intergenerational Friendship Community
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals or Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Foundation for Family & Community Healing
Richmond, Virginia
Our mission is to empower us all to create healthy, positive, rewarding relationships with ourselves, each other, Earth, and the loving force greater than ourselves.
Primary Audience: General
Relationship skill education
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Relationship education resources
Individuals, Online, DIY
Genesee Valley BOCES
LeRoy, New York
Our mission is to lead collaboratively in creating quality solutions to emerging educational challenges.
Primary Audience: K-12 Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Our mission is to support diverse adults to promote their civic wellbeing - their capacity to critically evaluate, navigate, and drive change on community issues.
Primary Audience: Minority or underrepresented groups
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Good Group Decisions
Brunswick, Maine
Our mission is to help groups make good decisions and help people with differing views get along with each other.
Primary Audience: General
Meeting Facilitation
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Keynote Speeches
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Online Courses and Resources
Individuals, Online, DIY
Gopin Associates Institute for Conflict Healing
Rockville, Maryland
To help individuals, groups and organizations to build compassionate human relations that prevent and heal conflicts.
Primary Audience: Minority or underrepresented groups
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Conflict Healing Training and Workshops
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Peer-to-Peer Group
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Growing Democracy Project, Inc.
Staten Island, New York
The Growing Democracy Project (GDProject) envisions a national transformative civic educational system. Its job will be to develop legions of highly competent democratic practitioners through experiential training. Literally, a Democracy Corps. Its ultimate goal is to make democracy the predominant social and political force in our country.
Primary Audience: General
Growing Democracy Learning Lab
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Transformative Communities of Democratic Practice
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Habits of Discourse
Hyattsville, Maryland
Helping you develop practices for healthier engagement across difference. Be a better person, by improving how you dialogue. Be a better community, by building capacity for engagement. Thrive together, by tackling critical issues.
Primary Audience: General
Habits of Discourse training and consulting
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Habits of Discourse social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Hands Across the Hills
Leverett, Massachusetts
Letcher County, Kentucky
Bridging divides in this time of polarization through intensive dialogues.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Intensive residential dialogue
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Hands of Peace
Glenview, Illinois
Hands of Peace empowers American, Israeli and Palestinian youth to become agents of change.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Hapi is a non-clinical emotional support platform providing active listening as a service.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Healing Race
San Diego, California
Talking about race isn't always easy. Andre and Todd were college freshman roommates - one black, one white - who spent the first 25 years of knowing each other without ever discussing the topic. So they decided to go deep on the role of race and the state of race relations in the U.S... and to record their conversations so that others could see what a first conversation about race might look like, where no topic is off the table, but where they always listen, respect, and seek to understand - even and especially when we see things differently. And they are now welcoming guests on to experience that same kind of radical openness, honesty, and empathy. Healing Race is about having open, "real," constructive conversations about race, and we would love for you to join.
Primary Audience: General
Youtube Series on Healing Racial Divides
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Be a guest on the Healing Race show (email guests@healingraceshow.com)
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Use the power of empathetic listening to bring people together and make the world a kinder place.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Seattle, Washington
There Are Millions of Us. Most Americans believe that tribalism and condescension have destroyed the effectiveness of our politics. They are right.
We Must Identify Each Other... Declaring, “I am a #humilitarian,” enables those of us committed to changing politics through respectful discourse to identify and find each other.
...and So Become a Political Force. When enough of us all over the political spectrum have done so, we will be a political force.
Primary Audience: General
A word or identifier - "Humilitarian" - associated with a set of principles that, when followed, lead to empathic, positive-sum, results-oriented, love-motivated political discourse
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Brain body health for older adult communities.
Primary Audience: Older Adults
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Intergenerational Dance Performances
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
In This Together
San Francisco, California
To build bridges between America's cultural, ideological, and political communities, by harnessing the power of politics and media to connect people, reduce polarization, advance problem-solving, and be a force for positive change.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Indiana Campus Compact
Indianapolis, Indiana
Advocating, implementing, and improving community engagement efforts so that students graduate as well-informed, engaged, and productive members of society who are fully enabled to provide leadership and service that advances the public good in their communities.
Primary Audience: College Students & Faculty
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Advancing understanding and differing interpretations of the values that define and shape the United States of America to further respectful engagement and critical thinking in public education and public life.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Interactivity Foundation
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Strengthen our democracy through the use of a small-group discussion process to explore diverse perspectives and generate an expanding set of divergent possibilities for complex areas of public concern.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 5 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Education Discussions and Certificate Program
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated ot DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Interfaith America
Chicago, Illinois
Make interfaith cooperation a social norm.
Primary Audience: Higher education broadly (students, faculty, staff, administrators)
Geographic Footprint: 40+ states
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Interfaith Leadership Institute
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Interfaith Leadership Council of metropolitan Detroit
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Our metropolitan Detroit community is enriched by its many religious values and practices. Religious belief and expression are the most dynamic influences in our culture. The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit brings people of many faiths together to work toward a harmonious community based on our highest and best values. We teach understanding which leads to deep respectful relationships among individuals and congregations of different faiths as well as those who do not have a religious affiliation. We advocate for resilience in the face of misunderstanding and bigotry.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 counties in Detroit metro area
Bridging to Belonging: Community Workshop
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Bridging to Belonging: 8 Week Discussion Series Program
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
San Francisco, California
Help communities communicate better, by making it easy to start small group conversations.
Primary Audience:General
Geographic Footprint: 40 States
AI-Driven Community Engagement Platform
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Asbury Park, New Jersey
Meaningful Communities at Scale
Primary Audience: General
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Kansas Leadership Center
Wichita, Kansas
Foster leadership for stronger, healthier, more prosperous communities.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40+ communities in Kansas and dozens of other states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
KINGDOM Group International
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Tearing Down Walls of Division and Building Bridges for Unity
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 10 Communities
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Diversity and Inclusion Training
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Ladies UNITY Luncheons (Implementing Fall 2021)
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Leadership North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Inform, develop and engage committed leaders by broadening their understanding of and involvement in issues and opportunities facing the state.
Primary Audience: Adults in the professional sector
Geographic Footprint: 96 communities
Leadership North Carolina Program
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Leadership North Carolina Alumni Program
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Leadership Ohio
Blacklick, Ohio
Leadership Ohio creates a unifying movement of diverse, connected leaders who make Ohio the best state to live and work.
Primary Audience: Adult Professionals in Ohio
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Join In: Uniting Communities in Ohio
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Bread and Salt Dinners
Individuals, In-person, Facilitated
Constructive Dialogue/Symposia Pilot
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Learning Life
Washington, D.C.
Learning Life is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit lab devoted to innovating education and citizen engagement by spreading learning in everyday life beyond school walls. In our increasingly interconnected yet divided world, we develop innovative learning communities in order to widen access to world affairs, and nurture more caring, capable and connected citizens.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 States
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Let's Talk Unite
Palo Alto, California
Let’s Talk Unite is a movement dedicated to reducing political polarization through stimulating collaborative dialogue and addressing our personal biases.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Let's Talk Polarization Podcast
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Affective Polarizations Events
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Affective Polarization Resources
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Lighten Up Folks!
Galena, Illinois
To inspire open, respectful conversation among people with different political views
Primary Audience: General
Lighten Up Mascots
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Listen, LP
Burbank, California
Redefine what listening is and how people do it.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 15 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Active Listener Guidebook
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Active-Listener Training
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Listening Inn Foundation
Bangalore, Karnataka
For anyone who is looking for a safe space to be heard without judgment, without bias. Listening Inn is India’s largest digital Listening platform that uses the science of listening to create a community of well trained listeners to listen as equals & to develop the listening skills that one can use in their personal, academic and professional life. We are on a mission to create over a million listeners by 2025.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 60+ Cities in India
Building India's first Digital listening platform
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Foundational and Intensive trainings on listening
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Online listening services at no cost
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Living Room Conversations
Boulder, Colorado
We hope for a world in which people who have fundamental differences of opinion and backgrounds learn to work together with respect – and even joy
Primary Audience: General
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Recorded and live-streamed Living Room Conversations
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Conversation host training
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Make America Dinner Again
San Francisco, California
In an attempt to build understanding and move forward together, Make America Dinner Again invited people to sit down and have dinner. There are many avenues to protest, to donate, to fight, to be heard; Make America Dinner Again is an avenue to listen.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 11 city chapters
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Marc Wong
New York, New York
To inspire everyone to understand and respect others.
Primary Audience: Businesses
Adapting safe driving to inspire understanding and respect
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, In-Person, DIY
Active, Artistic, Powerful Listening
Groups, Online, DIY
Matsunaga Institute for Peace
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Matsunaga Institute for Peace is an academic department at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa that promotes cross-cultural understanding, collaborative problem-solving, critical thinking, and lifelong skills to groom leaders to address contemporary and complex issues near and far.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Courageous Conversations
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Cultural Talk Story Series
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Matsunaga Institute: Peace and Conflict Education
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Annual Peer Mediation Conference
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Annual International Day of Peace / Constitution Day
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Meetings of Opposites
Charlottesville, Virginia
To create the actual experience of common ground among people whose opinions are irreconcilable.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 Community
Six-session seminar/workshop series
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Where do Stereotypes Come From?
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Millions of Conversations
Nashville, Tennessee
Transcend divides by uniting Americans around common values for a shared future.
Minnesota Council of Churches
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Manifest the unity of the body of Christ and build the common good in the world.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Respectful Conversations in Schools
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution uses collaborative processes and the science of human relations to help government and stakeholders improve relationships, build trust, and develop wise and durable solutions to seemingly intractable issues.
Primary Audience: Government (elected and employed)
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Bridging Divides: What to do when people disagree
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Bridging divides resources for state legislators and other local government officials
Individuals, Online, DIY
Bridging divides resources for government
Individuals, Online, DIY
Public engagement resources for government
Individuals, Online, DIY
Mixed Company
Create opportunities for open conversation.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Creating a fun environment through games
Groups, In-Person, DIY
More Perfect Union
Atlanta, Georgia
MPU is a movement to strengthen communities and heal our Country by creating meaningful connections through service and leadership.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 7 States
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Move for America
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Catalyze a generation of leaders to bridge divides and strengthen our civic dialogue.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Move for America Fellowship
Individuals, In-person, Facilitated
Nation Builder
Los Angeles, California
We envision a world where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to create what they are meant to create. We build the infrastructure for a world of creators by helping leaders develop and organize thriving communities.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
National Civic League
Denver, Colorado
Advance civic engagement to create equitable, thriving communities.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The All-America Conversation Toolkit
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Model City Charter (8th Edition)
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Bring people together across divides to discuss, decide, and take action together effectively on today’s toughest issues.
Primary Audience: General
Resource Guide on Public Engagement
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
National Conference on Citizenship
Washington, D.C.
Connecting people for the purpose of strengthening civic life, with the core of our joint efforts being the belief that every person has the ability to help their community and country thrive.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40 states
Individual, N/A, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Algorithmic Transparency Institute
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Students Learn Students Vote Coalition
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
National Institute for Civil Discourse
Washington, D.C.
Promotes healthy and civil political debate among everyday Americans and elected leaders.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
National Issues Forums Institute
Dayton, Ohio
To promote and strengthen public deliberation
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40 states
Issue discussion guides and support materials for conveners and discussion leaders
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Common Ground for Action online platform
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Maplewood, New Jersey
need2Bheard gives you a private, confidential, and emotionally supportive listening environment. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who is really interested in what you want to say. Everyone deserves to have an outlet for self-expression with no judgment. It’s a basic human need.
Primary Audience: People aged 45-85
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Individuals, Online, DIY
NewGround is a community-building organization that creates, connects and empowers Jewish and Muslim Change-makers in America. Through a professional fellowship, high school leadership council and public programming, NewGround transforms Muslim-Jewish relations and advances a shared agenda for change.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Muslims and Jews Inspiring Change Highschool Leadership Council (MAJIC)
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
New Hampshire Listens
Durham, New Hampshire
Help New Hampshire residents talk and act together to create communities that work for everyone.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Engaging, brief, online trainings
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Local Civic Health Guide – Free to Download
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
New Politics Leadership Academy
Boston, Massachussetts
Through leadership development programming, hard skill training, and networking events, we're building a new pipeline into politics for Americans who have served our communities and country before and who feel called to continue their service through civic engagement and politics.
Primary Audience: Elected Officials
Geographic Footprint: 48 States
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
No Labels
Washington, D.C.
No Labels is a national movement of Democrats, Republicans and independents working to bring America’s leaders together to solve our toughest problems. No Labels created the bipartisan House Problem Solvers Caucus and an allied Senate group that led passage of some of the most consequential legislation of recent years including the historic infrastructure bill in 2021, and the CHIPS Act, a gun safety bill and a rewrite of the Electoral Count Act in 2022.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 8 States
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, DIY
North Carolina Campus Engagement
Elon, North Carolina
North Carolina Campus Engagement (NCCE) is a collaborative network of colleges and universities committed to educating students for civic and social responsibility, partnering with communities for positive change, and strengthening democracy. The NC Campus Engagement state office fosters connections between campuses, shares best practice information and resources, recognizes outstanding work, and champions civic and community engagement in higher education.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Community Change Collegiate Challenge (4C)
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
North Carolina Leadership Forum
Durham, North Carolina
The North Carolina Leadership Forum (NCLF) seeks to strengthen democracy and restore a culture of healthy policy making by catalyzing and accelerating cross-partisan collaboration amongst policy leaders across sectors at the state and local level. This unique North Carolina state-based program builds the will, the skills, and the relationships that these leaders need to work constructively with each other across partisan and ideological divides.
Primary Audience: Policy Leaders
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Objectively, Inc.
Fairfax, Virginia
Reducing Cognitive Polarization by Democratizing Deliberation
Primary Audience: The Expert-Class and their Followers
Debate Augmentation/Reasoning Checker
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
One America Movement
Alexandria, Virginia
Build a united American society by eliminating toxic polarization.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Training on the neuroscience of polarization
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Connecting Faith Communities
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
One Pedal at a Time Movement
Mobile, Alabama
Encourage activities, like cycling, that can contribute to your overall well-being, while providing suicide awareness and education; to make stronger, safer communities.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Othering & Belonging Institute
Berkeley, California
The Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley brings together researchers, organizers, stakeholders, communicators, and policymakers to identify and eliminate the barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society in order to create transformative change. We are a diverse and vibrant hub generating work centered on realizing a world where all people belong, where belonging entails being respected at a level that includes the right to both contribute and make demands upon society and political and cultural institutions.
We respond to issues that require both immediate action and long-term strategy. The Institute engages in innovative communications, arts and cultural strategy, and strategic narrative work that attempts to re-frame the public discourse from a dominant narrative of control and fear towards one that recognizes the humanity of all people, cares for the earth, and celebrates our inherent interconnectedness.
Primary Audience: General
Bridging to Belonging Case Studies and Podcast
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
On Bridging Evidence and Guidance from Real-World Cases
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
John A. Powell on how bridging creates conditions to solve problems
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Bridging-Toward a Society Built on Belonging Animated Video and Curriculum
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Developing a Shared Vocabulary: Introduction to Othering, Bridging & Belonging
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Our Stories - Brave Conversations on Race
Raleigh, North Carolina
Our mission is to build more peaceful communities. We invite people to learn what it's like to walk in the shoes of someone who doesn't look like them by offering a safe forum for discussion.
Primary Audience: General
Safe forum for conversations on race
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Outreach Experts
Chicago, Illinois
Helps companies and organizations navigate that change through technology and best practices for engagement with key stakeholders and the public.
Primary Audience: Organizations
Geographic Footprint: 43 states
Oxford Road
Sherman Oaks, California
To mobilize marketers to support truth and civility in the media.
Primary Audience: Businesses
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
PACEs Connection
Sacramento, California
PACEs Connection amplifies and supports the worldwide positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs) movement by sharing its stories, solutions, and science, growing healing communities, and valuing equity and diversity.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
PACEs Science Education
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated or DIY
PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
PACEs Connection YouTube Library
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse
Allendale, Michigan
GVSU’s Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse will prepare students to be agents of social change who practice and model civil discourse.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Annual Fall Civil Discourse Symposium
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
GVSU Global Civil Discourse Map
Individuals, Online, DIY
Boston, Massachusetts
Austin, Texas
Pairagraph is a platform for written dialogue between pairs of notable individuals: in essence, an online meeting place for the world’s most prominent figures across government, industry, academia, religion, and the arts. Our mission is to revive this dualistic and dialectic mode of discourse, which has fallen lately into a state of decay.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Parents Forum
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Our mission is to foster caring, honest and respectful communications in parents, other adults and young people by offering host organizations a practical, affordable peer support program model.
Primary Audience: Parents
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Book & Toy Exchange
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Charm School
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Learning What We Live
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
New York, New York
Parity works to heal LGBT and faith divides through compassion, curiosity and collaboration.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Covenantal Pluralism and Religious Freedom
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Peace Harmony Joy Alliance
Atlanta, Georgia
Awaken peace, harmony, and joy for people within themselves, with others, and with the world through sharing, connecting, and facilitating.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 States
Teach Peace, Harmony and Joy
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Connect Peace, Harmony and Joy
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Facilitate Peace, Harmony and Joy
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Peace Through Action USA
Washington, D.C.
Peace Through Action USA is missioned to achieve peace between people and within groups in the United States of America by promoting caring action.
Primary Audience: General
Do Something about Violence Information Sheets
Individuals, Online, DIY
Peer Collective
Boston, Massachusetts
Radically increase access to high-quality mental health support through online peer counseling.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Perspective, Inc.
Jacksonville, Florida
Perspective is a platform striving to promote the common intellectual by stimulating thoughtful discussion and strongly emphasizing interactions between contrasting viewpoints.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 4 States
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO)
Seattle, Washington
PLATO’s mission is to introduce preK-12 students to philosophy and ethics, preparing them for 21st-century challenges. Our innovative educational programs serve thousands of students, teachers, and parents nationally and internationally, fostering critical thinking, curiosity, tolerance and understanding of diverse viewpoints, self-confidence, and analytic reasoning skills.
Primary Audience: PreK—12 students
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Courses and Workshops for Educators
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Picture a Conversation
Birmingham, Michigan
Supporting my fellow humans in creating positive and respectful connections through meaningful conversations.
Primary Audience: General
Conversation Card Sets
Picture a Conversation™ Workshops
Groups of 4 up to 25 or so, Online or In-Person
Podcast Brunch Club
Chicago, Illinois
To create connection and understanding through a global community dedicated to real-time conversation and dialogue.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 25 states, 33 communities
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Polarization and Social Change Lab at Stanford University
Stanford, California
Rising political polarization and declining civility in political engagement are critical problems of our time in part because they stand as barriers to addressing all other social problems. Without addressing entrenched political divisions, effective action on pressing issues like global warming, poverty, immigration, and health care is impossible. The effects of polarization are getting worse and are not obviously self-limiting. There is good reason to expect current trends to continue, with potentially devastating consequences for political, economic, and ecological stability.
Our lab addresses these problems by conducting research on actionable solutions sufficient to check rising polarization and incivility in the U.S. Our multidisciplinary team theorizes interventions, rigorously evaluates them with experimental and observational data, pursues partnerships with organizations to directly intervene, and disseminates findings to political leaders and the general public. Our work is focused on developing practical scientific knowledge in three main areas: paths to political consensus, reducing harms of polarization, and effective strategies of social activism.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Moral Reframing
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Sedona, Arizona
Our mission is to unite police departments and communities around programs that uplift and heal them.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 25 states
Walk With Us: Community Unity Live Event
Groups, In-Person, DIY
7 Simple Steps For Positive Policing
Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
POV International
Copenhagen, Denmark
POV International is an independent Danish online media platform, providing news, in-depth analyses and opinions, free of charge. POV International maintains high standards for fact based analyses and fair reporting. Furthermore, our mission is be inclusive and open to topics, individuals, communities and organizations that do not have access to mainstream media. This includes vulnerable groups, both in Denmark and abroad.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 States
Listening, learning and telling from the heart; Danish discussion salons
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Power of WE
Tallahassee, Florida
Power of WE seeks to inspire a campus culture of innovation and collaboration by challenging echo chambers, building shared spaces and bridging civic divides.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: Florida State University
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Preemptive Love
Hewitt, Texas
Preemptive Love Coalition exists to end war and to stop the spread of violence.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Project on Civil Discourse
Washington, D.C.
The American University Project on Civil Discourse encourages and supports students in understanding speech not only as a matter of rights, but of responsibilities, values, and opportunities. It works on the principle that each of us must be the architect of our own voice, choosing to use it in service of our goals and values and in a manner that contributes to our learning community.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Discussion Modules
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Public Agenda
Brooklyn, New York
Strengthening democracy and expanding opportunity for all Americans.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 20 states
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Renew America Together
Little Rock, Arkansas
Renew America Together is a 501 (c)(3) organization designed to promote and achieve greater common ground in America by reducing partisan division and gridlock. Our mission is to revitalize public and political discourse by teaching and promoting civics, citizenship and civility.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Building a shared democracy in American life by strengthening the capacity of leaders and communities to communicate across political siloes and address important public problems.
Primary Audience: Clergy, campus professionals, and community leaders
Geographic Footprint: 40 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Screening and Discussion of the Short Film Purple
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Convener Training for Building a Culture of Dialogue
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Toolkit for Dialogue and Deliberation Across Divides
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Mediation Training for Journalists
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Los Angeles, California
Resolutionaries' mission is to restore a national sense of commonality through respectful dialog and discussions in cities across the united states
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
RISE University Preparatory School
San Francisco, California
Teach whole students, equipping them with the tools they need to reason, create, serve, and lead.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Rosabella Consulting, LLC.
Fort Collins, Colorado
Our purpose is to coach leaders and teams to cultivate the gifts of their shared humanity in order to co-create innovations that make a positive and lasting impact.
Primary Audience: Businesses
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Co-Creating Experiences Process
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
EntrepreNerds Participatory Facilitation Model
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Pattern Rewrite Process
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
SAGE - Senior Advocates for Generational Equity
Portland, Oregon
SAGE inspires people over fifty to give forward with their time, money and voice so that younger and future generations can thrive. Among our programs, we sponsor the SAGE Citizen Project, which is a series of events to build bridges between people who hold different views in an effort to make it easier for people to talk with one another, understand each other’s priorities, and to identify enduring solutions for our communities.
Primary Audience: People over fifty
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Saint Mary's College of California, Center for Engaged Democracy
Moraga, California
The vision of the Center for Engaged Democracy is to become a renowned leader in strengthening nonpartisan democratic values and competencies.
Primary Audience: General
Free Speech and the Inclusive Campus
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Healing Our Democracy in a Digital World
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Search for Common Ground
Washington, D.C.
Our mission is to transform the way the world deals with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Global
Co-designing youth trainings
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Service Year Alliance
Washington, D.C.
To make a year of paid, full-time service a common opportunity and expectation for all young Americans.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Share Our America
New York, New York
Share Our America (an initiative of 92NY Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact is a national initiative — rooted in local communities — that brings Americans together across our differences to build empathy, understanding, respect, and trust.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 5 Communities
Individuals or Groups, In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Sidewalk Talk
San Francisco, California
Teach and practice heart-centered listening on sidewalks and inside organizations to stem the tide of loneliness, illness, and social division.
Primary Audience: International audience
Geographic Footprint: 22 states
HEAR: Hear Each Other With Heart
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Wish You Knew Me: Listening Across Political Differences
Individuals, Online, DIY
SMART Conversations
Boston, Massachusetts
Elevate the conversations that matter and create a more just society.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Someone To Tell It To
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Create meaningful relationships through compassionate listening and to train others to do the same.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Listening services
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Train people in compassionate listening and empathy.
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
South Fulton Community Mediation Center
South Fulton, Georgia
To provided quality and affordable mediation and conflict resolution services and training to the community, in order to promote the value of Mediation as an answer to the alternative dispute resolution needs of South Fulton and surrounding communities.
Primary Audience: Minority or underrepresented groups
Geographic Footprint: 1 Community
Hike With Friends
Individuals or Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Spaceship Media
San Francisco, California
Use journalism to reduce polarization, build communities and restore trust in journalism.
Primary Audience: Journalists
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Stair Party
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
The Stair Party has one main goal: to end party partisanship in the United States. To quote a man named Daryl Davis, "Keep in mind, when two enemies are talking, they're not fighting, they're talking. They might be yelling and screaming, but at least they're talking. It's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence." American politics is starting to cease conversation and the ground is most certainly becoming fertile for violence. What we see now is only the beginning if we continue dividing ourselves between party lines and dismissing people who do not fit into these lines. The Stair Party understands there are issues in America, but let us face them and fix them as Americans, not Democrats or Republicans. We see ourselves as a centrist organization and one open to the opinions of the left and right. Therefore, we created our platform on the foundations of the best of both worlds; a platform we can all unilaterally agree on together. If there's anytime to fix and reform America — it's now.
Primary Audience: General
Discord Server
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Stories Change Power's mission is to equip people and mission-driven organizations with advocacy communications knowledge, tools, and network that achieve their purpose in furtherance of a just, equitable, and peaceful world.
Primary Audience: Mission-driven organizations and people
Advocacy Communications Learning Communities
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Organizational/Group Workshops
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Stubblefield Institute for Civil Political Communications at Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
The mission of the Bonnie and Bill Stubblefield Institute for Civil Political Communications is to serve as an active center for the study and promotion of civil political discourse, inspire intelligent, authentic and constructive debate, and encourage positive civic engagement for both students and the public alike. We seek to demonstrate that when opposing viewpoints are respected and legitimized in ways that avoid negative labeling, alienation, and silencing, it can strengthen our nation’s ability to better face challenges and solve problems.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 4 states
The "Listen/Learn/Engage Initiative"
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The "American Conversation Series"
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
A new undergraduate major (and minor) in Political Communications
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Stubblefield Civility Awards
Stubblefield Institute Annual Research Program
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Weekly Radio and Podcast Production, “Upstream/Downstream” (Anchor) (Spotify)
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Students Learn Students Vote
Washington, D.C.
The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition fosters connections and provides year-round support to campus, nonprofit, community, student, and philanthropic leaders working to build a more representative and equitable democracy by increasing college student voter participation and engagement in our democratic processes.
Primary Audience: College Students
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Sustained Dialogue Institute
Washington, D.C.
Sustained Dialogue develops leaders able to transform differences into the strong relationships essential to effective decision-making, democratic governance, and peace.
Primary Audience: General
Sustained Dialogue's Facilitator Online 10 Week Skill Series
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Tara West Mediation
Asheville, North Carolina
Help people in conflict have the best conversations they can have.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Conflict Coaching/Training/Workshops
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
To help, inspire, and empower youth through initiatives and to speak up about important topics that youth face.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Youth Initiatives with Youth Volunteer Network
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The 5 Percent Project
Grand Island, Nebraska
To change the current fight/flight, us/them, operation of politics to cooperation, dialogue, respect, and problem solving and to eliminate the rules, customs, and traditions that have institutionalized the current fight/fight, us/them mode of operation.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 8 States
The Preamble of the Constitution Series
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
"United We Sing" Singspiration
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Restore This Precious Land Campaign
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
The American Exchange Project
Sudbury, Massachusetts
To cultivate meaningful connections between American high school students from different backgrounds and regions.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: Interest from 19 states (none yet, however, due to COVID)
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
The Art of Group Conversation
Mount Clemens, Michigan
“To help group members see beyond “us” and “them,” and experience their common humanity.” The Art of Group Conversations provides unique, facilitated dialogues to groups of people who are newly acquainted or divided by differences in culture or beliefs, and, as a result, participants discover connections, develop rapport, and build trust, priming the group to move forward together.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 Communities
Facilitated Group Dialogue
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Presentation on Dr. Rachel Davis DuBois
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The Better Arguments Project
Washington, D.C.
Help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping Americans have Better Arguments.
Primary Audience: General
Better Arguments framework with free resources and workshops
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The Civility Initiative
Charleston, South Carolina
The Civility Initiative promotes dialogues across differences and healthy disagreements.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
The Communitarian Network
Washington, D.C.
A coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the social, moral, and political environment.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, DIY
The Conversationalist
Wichita, Kansas
Amplifying Gen Z voices, one echo-chamber breaking conversation at a time.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 40 states
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
The Follow-Up Question
Castle Rock, Colorado
Exploring how we find common ground through asking more questions
Primary Audience: General
The Follow-Up Question podcast
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Generous Listening and Dialogue Center
Medford, Massachusetts
We honor and support practices and experiences that help us to listen to ourselves, to each other and to nature more generously- in order to create authentic connections within similarity and across differences.
Primary Audience: Higher education locally and internationally
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Earth week recognition event: Listening to nature
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Facilitator training for student leaders
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Hearth
Ashland, Oregon
Strengthen relationships through sharing personal stories to inspire compassionate action.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Certificate in Community Storytelling
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Compassionate Listening Program
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Art & Craft of Personal Storytelling
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Horizons Project
Washington, D.C.
To strengthen relationships and collaboration within the ecosystem of social change to spur a larger movement in the United States that addresses systemic injustice, advances societal healing, and reimagines our democracy.
Primary Audience: Changemakers
The Institute for Liberal Values
Gaithersburg, Maryland
The Institute for Liberal Values (ILV) advances liberalism, equality of opportunity and justice in America and around the world. We are a diverse coalition devoted to the free expression of ideas, critical thinking, and civic engagement.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 City
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Forging New Alliances
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Community Support
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Lead Listening Society
Lorman, Mississippi
The Lead Listening Society is dedicated to the mission of propagating the positive power of effective listening for life-long learning and leadership development.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
The Lead Listening Society Membership
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The Listening
Lynchburg, Virginia
Engage, change and save lives with the performing arts through community engagement and youth programming.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-person, Facilitated
We invite participants to “Take the Challenge” and have a conversation using our script with someone who has different political beliefs. Our script is based on social science research and seeks to help people to do five things: 1) forge human connections, 2) foster empathy, 3) find common ground, 4) examine one’s own beliefs, and 5) empower people as ambassadors for positive change.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Listening Challenge conversation script
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Facilitated Workshop
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Media Roundtable
Sherman Oaks, California
To mobilize marketers to support truth and civility in the media.
Primary Audience: Businesses
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Mediation Center of The Costal Empire
Savannah, Georgia
The mission of the Mediation Center is to harness the power of qualified volunteers, facilitate the process of citizens proactively managing conflict, provide alternatives to litigation, and increase access to justice.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 Community
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Nantucket Project
Greenwich, Connecticut
The Nantucket project is a gathering space with the tools for people to come together to foster community, conversation and genuine human connection through thought provoking short films, talks and live content.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
The People are everyday Americans working to find common ground and take action to create a more responsive government of, by, and for the people.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
The People’s Supper
Los Angeles, California
We use shared meals to build trust and connection among people of different identities and perspectives. Our work is born of a belief — to quote a popular adage — that “change moves at the speed of trust”, and a simple question: What needs healing here?
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 5 states
Racial Justice Journey: Looking in, looking out, & mapping a path to change
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The People’s Supper in the Age of Physical Distancing
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Polarization Lab
Durham, North Carolina
We are a team of social scientists, computer scientists, and statisticians who study how technology shapes political tribalism. Our mission is two-fold. First, we aim to produce the highest quality research about how social media shapes political polarization, drawing upon the latest advances in social psychology, political science, and machine learning. You can learn more about our research here. Second, we aim to translate the insights from our research into tools that people can use to hack political polarization from the bottom up. We work closely with other groups working to counter political polarization in the non-profit sector, private sector, and governments.
Primary Audience: General
Web-based tools to counter polarization
Individuals, Online, DIY
The United Project
Gouverneur, New York
By observing our nation today, we see a country that is torn between party lines, political ideologies, racial issues, and many more problems that exist in our society. We believe that if drastic change does not come in the near future, this division will have drastic effects on our nation. Our country has reached a tipping point, and it is up to us to decide which direction we will sway. The United Project was founded with the sole purpose of working to heal the division that has ravaged the nation we all love for far too long. We will fight everyday to encourage unity, understanding, and acceptance between people of all different political stances.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
The United Project Lectures/Debates/Discussions
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Village Square
Tallahassee, Florida
Bridging divides in American hometowns through discussion and spirited disagreement.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Toda Peace Institute
Tokyo, Japan
The Toda Peace Institute is an independent, nonpartisan institute committed to advancing a more just and peaceful world through policy-oriented peace research and practice. The institute commissions evidence-based research, convenes multi-track and multi-disciplinary problem-solving workshops and seminars, and promotes dialogue across ethnic, cultural, religious and political divides. It catalyses practical, policy-oriented conversations between theoretical experts, practitioners, policymakers and civil society leaders in order to discern innovative and creative solutions to the major problems confronting the world in the twenty-first century.
Together Frankfort
Frankfort, Kentucky
Together Frankfort is a non-partisan, volunteer group of Kentuckians who seek to exercise and protect the principles embodied in our Constitution by being engaged and responsible participants in democracy.
We advocate for integrity and transparency in government and political actions, and fair and equal application of the law and civil rights for all people.
We support economic and social policies that ensure continuing opportunity for individuals and families.
We are committed to our country and to the welfare of our fellow citizens regardless of political affiliation, and to solutions that cross partisan divides.
Membership is open to all.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Tru Access
Cary, North Carolina
Help organizations build bridges of trust and understanding across racial, generational, and relational divides of all kinds.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 10 communities
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
True Story Theater
Arlington, Massachusetts
True Story Theater’s mission is to build empathy, respect, and understanding across differences that divide us, through the honoring of true life stories.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Performances based on audience true stories
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Classes in empathy-based improv theatre & story-sharing
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
To amplify the dignity and potential of all humans for positive global stewardship.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
SEND (Student Empathy Network for Diversity)
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Movement Workshops
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Unify America
Evanston, Illinois
To replace politics with problem-solving.
Primary Audience: General
Headquarters: Evanston, Illinois
Individuals, Online, DIY
University of Missouri Extension - Greene County
Springfield, Missouri
Improving Missourians’ lives with research-based education.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 70 communities
Becoming an Engaged Neighbor
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Neighboring 101
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
University of Chicago Institute of Politics
Chicago, Illinois
Inspire and cultivate the next generation of political and public service leaders.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Civic Dinners Partnership on Polarization
Groups, Online, Facilitated or DIY
University of Delaware Center for Political Communication
Newark, Delaware
The University of Delaware's Center for Political Communication is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary initiative that is committed to the emerging field of political communication. The CPC's programs, academic minor, research, and initiatives support the practice of effective civil discourse and the development of media literacy and civic literacy. The CPC supports collaborative, interdisciplinary teams of social scientists, who examine issues related to voting, civil rights and liberties, media effects, and intergroup relations. The CPC's events and programs inspire public participation in politics, engaging the next generation of public service leaders, in the United States and abroad.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
National Agenda Speaker Series
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Up to Us
Oakland, California
Up to Us is dedicated to building a sustainable economic and fiscal future for America’s next generation. Up to Us doesn’t just educate and engage - it empowers. Our unique program provides emerging leaders a platform for facilitating a collaborative dialogue on the country’s most vexing challenges.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 43 States
Teams of Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Up to Us Deliberative Dialogue Microgrant
Groups or Individuals (affiliated with a US college/university), Online or In-Person, DIY
Urban Confessional
Los Angeles, California
Austin, Texas
Our mission is to listen. We believe all people need to be heard, and that there is value in simply listening to someone. We make ourselves available for anyone who needs to be heard.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40 states & 70 countries
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Free Listening Workshop
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Bring people together across geographic, political, and racial divides to build relationships, strengthen collaboration skills, and address issues that impact all communities
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 states
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Statewide Uniting for Action programs
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Our ABCs for Constructive Conversation Across Difference
Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Voice of the People
Washington, D.C.
To give the people a more effective voice in government, to reveal the bipartisan common ground of the people, and restore public confidence in government
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 5 States
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Common Ground of the American People
Groups or Individuals, Online
Vote Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
We welcome everyone who would like to be more engaged in civic life. With a focus on coalition, collaboration and consensus, Vote Nevada is led with modern sensibilities centered on building community and solving problems practically.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Waging Dialogue
New York, New York
We seek to discover a new language for empathic communication to counteract the cultural and technological forces that divide people across modern society. Our Waging Dialogue discussions are the heart and soul of our mission. We facilitate challenging online conversations across political divides in the service of peaceful problem-solving, coexistence and Human Understanding.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Weave: The Social Fabric Project
Washington, D.C.
Support and strengthen Weavers by providing access to resources, opening doors to partnerships, and inspiring new generations of Weavers.
Primary Audience: General
We Are Weavers Community
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Inspiring new generations of Weavers
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Weaver Awards
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Elevating the voices of Weavers
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Westborough Connects
Westborough, Massachusetts
Our mission is to help build a thriving, kind and connected community where everybody belongs.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Bridging Differences & Divides
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Western Justice Center
Pasadena, California
Empower people to strengthen their communities by growing the conflict resolution skills and capacity of youth, educators, schools and community partners. We envision a world in which communities are healed, united, and transformed through conflict resolution education and restorative practices rooted in equity, justice, and opportunity.
Wichita to Woodstock
Woodstock, New York
Bridge the Red/Blue divide.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 states
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Worldwide Civility Council
Ventura, California
Fosters civility in public discourse through many different avenues, making civility a positive and sustainable part of the overall social fabric.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Urgency of Civility Conference
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Los Angeles, California
Bridge the partisan divide between affiliation by providing young people an interactive, productive, and enjoyable way to debate politics.
Primary Audience: College Students
Anti Echochamber Algorithm
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Curating trustworthy listening spaces for young men to share and witness one another in empowered vulnerability.
Primary Audience: College Students
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Chicago, Illinois
Empowering students to amplify their civic impact together.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Youthquake: Bridging our Divides
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Expose Americans to diverse information and perspectives
A Peace of My Mind
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Use art and storytelling to bridge divides and build community
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Nationwide
Community Storytelling Studios (example)
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
A Year of Listening Podcast
Wheaton, Illinois
To promote civil, nuanced, compassionate dialogue around polarizing issues
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Listening Workshops
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
New York, New York
Allelo’s mission is to ensure that safe, open, and equitable student discussions are at the center of modern education.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 7 States
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Arts Midwest
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Promotes creativity, nurtures cultural leadership, and engages people in meaningful arts experiences, bringing vitality to Midwest communities and enriching people’s lives.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 9 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Breaking Silence
Denver, Colorado
Inspiring communities to take action against interpersonal violence through the power of empathy, healing, and open dialogue.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Bridge Entertainment Labs
Palo Alto, California
Bridge Entertainment Labs (BEL) is dedicated to transforming the way Americans see and engage with each other across our divides. We are a resource to the entertainment industry designed to ignite compelling narratives that bridge political and social divides and generate new stories of “us” as Americans.
Primary Audience: Entertainment Industry
Creating New American Stories of US
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Building Bridgers
Ashland, Oregon
Bridging, to me, is not trying to get the other side to cross the bridge onto mine. And it is more than just tolerating points of view different to our own. Some imagine bridging as meeting in the middle.
I see it as: comprehending the other side’s viewpoint in such a way that it informs and impacts the way you see the whole issue. Bridging is the welcoming of all different viewpoints in order to zoom out and get the biggest view we can — so that we can make optimal decisions and take effective action that will sustainably work in the long run. Given that there is not one of us who can understand everything about anything, we need viewpoint diversity. Sometimes we believe we're perceiving the world accurately through our personal experience and the information (accurate or not) to which we've exposed ourselves.
Becoming a bridger requires cultivating the ability to question our own beliefs and how we've come to have them, and then being able to "zoom out" beyond our personal lenses and filters to get a more accurate view of the world at large.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Building Community Capacity
Kansas City, Missouri
Increasing access to information and resources that strengthen, empower, and engage children, families, and communities.
Primary Audience: General
Community development course: Building Community Capacity
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
University of Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Know Your Story
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Burke-Paine Society
Alexandria, Virginia
The Burke-Paine Society (BPS) empowers Americans to forge a new political culture. We bring together bipartisan groups of Americans in salon-style discussions and give them the educational resources they need to rediscover the brilliance of the American political system.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 States
Salon-style Discussion Groups
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Campaign for an Informed Citizenry
Endicott, New York
To help create a more informed citizenry and improve upon civic dialogue and civic education.
Primary Audience: General
Non-Partisan, Civic Education and Ideological Clarity Focus
Groups or Individuals, In-Person or Online, Facilitated or DIY
Center for Rural Strategies
Whitesburg, Kentucky
Work through strategic communications, coalition building, and public information campaigns to help establish a rural America that is more connected, greener, and more inclusive. By presenting accurate and compelling portraits of rural lives and cultures, we hope to deepen public debate and create a national environment in which positive change for rural communities can occur.
Primary Audience: Minority or Underrepresented Groups
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Podcast, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Chautauqua Institution
Chautauqua, New York
Chautauqua is dedicated to the exploration of the best in human values and the enrichment of life through a program that explores the important religious, social and political issues of our times; stimulates provocative, thoughtful involvement of individuals and families in creative response to such issues; and promotes excellence and creativity in the appreciation, performance and teaching of the arts.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: Global
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Educational Initiatives
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Interfaith Engagement
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Literary Arts
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Cambridge, Massachusetts
We believe civic life can be revitalized when we hold space for conversation, recognizing that traditionally underheard voices and marginal experiences can yield improved understanding and communication across boundaries. Our fragmented society demands civic spaces where input shared by community members about their identity and experiences sparks more informed and transparent decisions from our leaders.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 38 States
Partner Organizations, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Guilford, Connecticut
Spreading positive respect for different points of view through the power and reach of podcasts.
Primary Audience: General
Interview skills and messaging
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Days of Dialogue
Los Angeles, California
Safe space for dialogue on controversial issues.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Mediation Training and Advocacy
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Deliberative Democracy Lab
Stanford, California
Divided We Fall
Washington, D.C.
Divided We Fall® is a non-profit news publication working to provide bipartisan dialogue for the politically engaged. We publish debates, interviews, and op-eds between individuals who disagree in order to demonstrate productive civil discourse and bipartisanship.
Primary Audience: Political Class (i.e. elected officials, political donors, pundits, issue activists, political news junkies)
Individuals, Online Facilitated
Echo Breaking News
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Our mission is to take readers beyond echo chambers by delivering curated news stories weekly to their inbox. These stories come from a variety of sources and perspectives and are meant to challenge perspectives, intrigue political curiosity and improve media literacy. Our goals are to help readers grow in political understanding and to depolarize news readership abroad.
Primary Audience: Political News Consumers
Newsletter based on bias quiz results
Individuals, Online, DIY
Emergence Institute
Austin, Texas
The Emergence Institute guides visionaries, innovators and change makers and their organizations or business to take inspired purpose-led action so they can have major impact in the world. We use the validated and inspired Purpose Flywheel™ to evoke authentic, focused and conscious identity, inspire courageous action, and manifest purpose-driven innovations through new paradigm strategies.
Primary Audience: Visionaries, innovators and change makers and their organizations or business
Geographic Footprint: 30 states
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Human (R)Evolution LaunchLab
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Purpose to Impact Coaching-Mentoring
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Claim Your Golden Thread Coaching
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Everybody Loves Lincoln
Los Angeles, California
Create deeper respect and understanding across the political spectrum, and to foster a more informed and engaged electorate using technology, entertainment, and facts.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Panel or 1 on 1 Discussion (example)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Every Voice, Inc.
Brooklyn, New York
Our mission is to reduce extreme partisanship by driving positive civil engagement, streamlining communication between constituents and their representatives, and improving transparency of the legislative process.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Focolare Movement
Silver Springs, Maryland
Building fraternal relationships among individuals, peoples, religions, and cultures, by engaging in dialogue.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
LINK: Small group monthly meetings for teens
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Cube of Love/Cube of Peace/Sports Cube/Earth Cube
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, DIY
Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
FIRE’s mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thought—the most essential qualities of liberty.
Primary Audience: General
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, In-Person, DIY
Future Freedom
London, England
To bridge the gaps between people and the process of de-radicalization by countering myths and narratives perpetuated by media AND far right groups, which tend to disincentivize rather than incentivize critical thinking and disengagement from violent action and ideology. To show a path of freedom, dignity, and redemption by amplifying voices of people who have done it.
Primary Audience: People who have been impacted by violent far right ideology, directly and/or indirectly.
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
The Radical Podcast
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Ground News
Kitchener, Ontario
We want to help people adopt a balanced news diet to foster better understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, DIY
Bias Checker Browser Extension
Individual, Online, DIY
Westlake Village, California
Ideos Institute is dedicated to the work of Empathic Intelligence (MQ) and its application to empathy-based reconciliation, conflict transformation, and redemptive leadership.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Center for Empathy in Christian and Public Life (CECPL)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Institute for Islamic, Christian & Jewish Studies
Baltimore, Maryland
To dismantle religious bias and bigotry, ICJS builds learning communities where religious difference becomes a powerful force for good.
Primary Audiene: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals, In-person, Facilitated
Individuals, In-person, Facilitated
Courses for Interreligious Understanding
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Discourse with Direction: Through discourse, an instrumental good, we tackle this trend head-on and utilize it as a means to an end - a revitalized country where richness and diversity of thought are commonplace and prevailing. Our real and effective approach has worked wonders thus far and will continue to do so in the future.
Primary Audience: High School & College Students
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Intelligence Squared US
New York City, New York
We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, Intelligence Squared U.S. addresses a fundamental problem in America: the extreme polarization of our nation and our politics. Our mission is to restore critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to American public discourse.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Intelligence Squared US Debates (Spotify) (Apple Podcast) (Radio) (Wondrium)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Internews Interactive
San Francisco, California
InterAct connects Americans to their leaders, each other and the world.
Primary Audience: All people who consume media
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Leadership Now Project
Washington, D.C.
We are committed to ensuring the United States has a strong democracy and economy. By focusing on meaningful research and education, operational excellence, and member value, we drive results. We live by our values and are proud of our people, products, partnerships, and principles.
Primary Audience: Buisinesses
Lost Debate
New York City, New York
To use today’s jargon, we’re a “multi-platform media company.” We believe the most important conversations in society happen in the dark corners of the Internet—on platforms dominated by political arsonists, nihilists, and extremists. Our mission is to infuse more empathy, nuance, and objectivity into those conversations.
Our flagship show is The Lost Debate, a twice-weekly YouTube and podcast program that brings you news, ideas, and trends of the day. It’s hosted by Ravi Gupta—former Obama administration and campaign staffer turned school principal and superintendent. And, Rikki Schlott - a Gen Z New York Post columnist and libertarian fighting to protect free speech.
We bring people together for conversations the media isn't having, while empathizing with and challenging each other in good faith.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Made by Us
Washington, D.C.
By 2026, Made By Us will be a leading catalyst for shaping the future of our country’s democracy by empowering younger generations to know and act on the promise of America’s founding ideals: equality, rights, liberty, opportunity and democracy. This will be achieved by connecting Americans to more than 1,000 history and civic organizations nationwide through a digital platform and micro exhibits that puts timely issues in historical context. We want to help real people address real issues in real-time—with tools powered by history.
Primary Audience: 18-30 year olds
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
The Civic Season
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Mediators Beyond Borders International
Washington, D.C.
Build local skills for peace and promote mediation worldwide.
Primary Audience: General
Trauma-Informed Peace and Development
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
International Peace Training Institute
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Democracy Politics and Conflict Management
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Military Veterans in Journalism
Silver Spring, Maryland
Military Veterans in Journalism’s mission is to get more veterans in newsrooms. We’re a professional association that builds community for vets, supports their career growth, and advocates for diversifying newsrooms through veteran hiring and inclusion. Run by a corps of military veterans and family members, MVJ works with newsrooms and other non-profit organizations to create opportunities for vets to get a jump start in the media.
Primary Audience: Service members, veterans & military families
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Counter-Disinformation Program
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Moderate Party
Sacramento, California
Moderate Party is a political podcast for moderates, centrists, independents, and everyone else working to combat polarization in America.
Primary Audience: Moderates, Centrists, Independents, and Democracy Reform Enthusiasts.
Groups or Individuals, Online
Network for Responsible Public Policy
Ridgewood, New Jersey
To Foster a Vibrant Democracy. To educate, inspire and motivate the public to engage more deeply in our democracy by providing stories, authoritative information and forums for discussion and debate on key public policy issues that builds a constituency of informed civic-minded voters who are willing to seek common ground, mitigate polarization in pursuit of the public good.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Public Policy Conversation Program Series
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
News Literacy Project
Washington, D.C.
The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan education nonprofit, is building a national movement to advance the practice of news literacy throughout American society, creating better informed, more engaged and more empowered individuals — and ultimately a stronger democracy.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 20 States
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Next Generation Politics
New York City, New York
To inspire and equip youth to drive a more productive, inclusive, and informed political culture in the U.S
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
No Evil Project
Auburn, Massachusetts
The No Evil Project is a nonprofit organization that uses art, humor, and conversation to encourage a greater sense of commonality and understanding among people despite differences including but not limited to cultural, socio-economic, religious, racial, gender, physical and mental health, occupational, political and ethnic differences. Leveraging photography and self-identified labels, the No Evil project challenges social polarization and stereotypes through education, individual reflection, shared experience, and a myriad of vehicles for civil discourse including: displays, exhibitions, interactive activities, and convenings.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, In-Person or Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person or Online, Facilitated or DIY
PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs
Arlington, Virginia
PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs is building the next generation of informed media creators and consumers. WHY: We believe that thoughtful, well-grounded local reporting and the interdisciplinary work of video production are powerful forms of learning and civic engagement. Public media empowers young people to report stories, reach authentic audiences, join conversations about the issues that affect their future and recognize their unlimited potential as valued members of society. HOW: Now in over 170 middle and high schools, Student Reporting Labs (SRL) is a national youth journalism program and public media initiative that trains teenagers across the country to produce stories that highlight the achievements, challenges, and reality of today’s youth. SRL creates transformative educational experiences through video journalism that inspire students to find their voice and engage in their communities.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, DIY
Peace Direct
Washington, D.C.
We believe passionately in non-violence and the power of local action. Local people are central to the resolution of their own conflicts. Peace is not sustainable if imposed from the outside. In 15 years we have supported local peacebuilders in over 25 countries around the world, providing vital assistance to ensure grassroots action stopping conflict and violence can continue. With our local partners, we have saved lives, provided paths out of violence and built better futures. We exist to challenge the status quo. To rebalance relationships and power in favor of local people and communities rather than international agencies.
Primary Audience: General
Groups, In-Person or Online, Facilitated
Groups, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Pepperdine School of Public Policy
Malibu, California
Preparing the next generation of public leaders through a two-year Master of Public Policy (MPP) program.
Primary Audience: Graduate Students & Government Officials
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
American Project: On the Future of Conservatism
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Davenport Institute for Public Engagement
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Political Empathy Project
Washington, D.C.
We're a new, all-volunteer digital initiative working to fight toxic political polarization through electoral reform advocacy, community-driven media, and free resources to empower civic engagement.
Primary Audience: general
Community-Driven Media (Blog & Podcast)
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Political Empathy Project Guides
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Rebuild Congress Initiative
Washington, D.C.
Our mission is to broaden and diversify the ecosystem of leaders who are aligning on and working to advance the policies, norms, and narratives needed for American democracy to thrive in the 21st century.
Primary Audience: Elected Officials
Remaking The Space Between Us
Weston, Massachusetts
Our mission is to inspire and empower those within the "exhausted majority" to work together to build a better future for all, not some. To do this, we aim to "remake the space between us" by opening up the "mental" space within groups and closing the "social" distance across them. We do this directly (through our own efforts) and indirectly (by supporting the efforts of others). We embrace a multigroup approach to ensuring that our multigroup democracy endures, and we bring decades of research-based experience in systems change work to helping people and organizations have the greatest and most constructive impact possible.
Primary Audience: The Exhausted Majority
Remaking the Space Between Us: How Citizens Can Work Together to Build a Better Future For All
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Reclaiming Our Power for Good
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Webinar Series: Building a Better Future for All
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
SAM (Serve America Movement) Party
Denver, Colorado
By focusing on the core values of representative government, by unrigging an electoral system that rewards hyper-partisanship, and by embracing diversity of political thought, SAM is a competitive force working to disrupt political extremism and self-serving politics
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 4 States
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
New York City, New York
Soliya is an international not-for-profit organization and a pioneering virtual exchange provider. We combine the power of interactive technology with the science of dialogue to offer proven cross-cultural exchange and learning opportunities. Our work has been supported through strategic partnerships with the European Commission, the Government of Canada, and the Stevens Initiative of the Aspen Institute as sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. In 2019, Soliya was recognized by Canada’s Global Centre for Pluralism as an Honorable Mention recipient of the Global Pluralism Award.
Primary Audience: College Students
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Cross-Cultural Facilitation Training
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Straight White Guy Listening
Los Angeles, California
Create a platform for disenfranchised voices and explore the act of listening.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Tangle News
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tangle is an independent, nonpartisan, reader-funded newsletter that seeks to bridge divides across differing political beliefs in an increasingly polarized media environment. Our coverage combines objective, fact-based reporting with commentary from across the political spectrum, challenging readers to engage and grapple with perspectives that differ from their own.
Primary Audience: General
Understanding The Whole Debate
Individuals, Online, DIY
The Acceptance Project
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Creating a new generation of empathetic leaders, active listeners, and critical thinkers by facilitating civil discourse in high schools.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 Communities
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
TAP Focus Groups
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
The America I Want is…
Northfield, Vermont
“The America I Want is…” is Linley Foundation’s latest initiative. It provides a platform for Americans to hear each other out while expressing their deepest hopes and dreams for the country.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Factual
San Francisco, California
The Factual's mission is to put the trust back in news again. We believe that reading unbiased news across the political spectrum is a way to reduce polarization in society. Finding credible news can be time-consuming and frustrating. To address this, The Factual has designed a News rating AI engine that uncovers the best-researched stories from across the political spectrum and sends it as an easy to consume newsletter.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Factual news app
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Flip Side
New York, New York
Help bridge the gap between liberals and conservatives
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Guibord Center
Los Angeles, California
The Mission of The Guibord Center – Religion Inside Out is to bring people together to challenge assumptions, unleash the sacred, and affirm the spirituality that transforms the world.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Award-winning short film ANIMA - Animals, Faith and Creation
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
In a world of social media bubbles, bias, and shamelessly framed “news,” we aim to help our readers make sense of the world by highlighting the narratives unfolding around them. Our highest goal is peace, and our strategy for creating a more peaceful world is what we call political mindfulness — a conscious awareness of the mechanisms, dynamics, and institutions that help shape our social and political opinions, attitudes, and perspectives. We’re not here to change anyone’s point of view or politics, because we believe there is more than one way to live the good life.
Primary Audience: General
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
The Society Library
Orlando, Florida
The Society Library's vision to create a fully intentional, collaborative humanity which functionally negotiates ideological differences in a manner that maximizes freedom in being through access to information.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Simulated Societal-Scale Dialogue
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Logical Media Deconstruction: MetaLiteracy Training
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
USC Center for the Political Future
Los Angeles, California
The Center for the Political Future (CPF) combines rigorous intellectual inquiry, teaching, and practical politics to advance civil dialogue and research that transcends partisan divisions and finds solutions to pressing national and global challenges. Our events, programs, scholarships, and internships inspire and train students for careers in public service and lifetimes of civic engagement.
Primary Audience: College Students and General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states, especially California
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
World Interfaith Network
Poway, California
We honor and respect all faiths, cultures, creeds, and races and seek to learn from those who believe equal spiritual opportunity and human rights belong to every person.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Geographic Footprint: 28 Countries
Global Data Base of Interfaith Groups
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY or Facilitated
World Interfaith Newwork (WIN) Virtual Cafe
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Youth Conflict Resolution Center, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
We teach children ages 6-18 how to resolve conflict in their daily lives. Which affects the family and the community.
Primary Audience: Children Ages 6-18
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Educate Americans directly about how and why we've become so polarized
Boston, Massachusetts
Increase participation and make civics accessible for all
Primary Audience: General
Democracy in the Palm of your Hand
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
To educate the American citizenry to a much greater degree than presently exists about the aspirations and mechanics of their Constitution and the democratic republic which it nurtures and protects. This work focuses on intensifying civics education from kindergarten through the baccalaureate stage of general education. ACL will advocate for expanded civics education on a federal, state, and local level and align with and support other organizations and individuals seeking this end.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 States
PSA Campaign: Preserving Our Democracy
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Lesson Plans: "Preserve Our Democracy"
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Beyond Conflict
Boston, Massachusetts
Conflict resolution and reconciliation.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Behavioral science-based interventions to reduce polarization
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Media training on the psychology of polarization
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
The Center for Sustainable Democracy (CSD) is a nonpartisan, multi-disciplinary research center focusing on challenges posed to and opportunities for democracy and civil society in the 21st century. Sustainable democracy means governance, information, and societal processes that empower people to make informed decisions and engage in public life. CSD emphasizes research and engagement regarding how political and civic leaders, journalists, and everyday individuals sustain democratic life in Florida, the United States, and globally.
Primary Audiences: Academics/research community, college students, community stakeholders, journalists
CIRCE, The Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
CIRCE aims to advance the science of mental immunity, teach the art of collaborative idea-testing, and develop humanity's resistance to epidemics of unreason.
Primary Audience: Researchers and change-agents in the bridging space
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups or Individuals, In-Person (Recommended) or Online, Facilitated or DIY
The 12-Step Program to Mental Immune Health
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think
Individuals, In-Person (Hardcover/Paperback) or Online (E-Book/Audio), DIY
Civic Citizens
Bladensburg, Maryland
Our mission is to help citizens impact their communities through civic education and engagement by consolidating publicly available resources.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Country First
Washington, D.C.
Create a healthier American political system through reforms to our primary elections so that candidates from the pro-Freedom, pro-Democracy center are able to win elected office and focus on delivering reasonable, proven, and durable solutions.
Primary Audience: General
Mending Divisions Working Group
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Crossing Our Divide
Asheville, North Carolina
To Explore and Overcome America's Cultural and Congressional Divide
Primary Audience: General
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Dangerous Speech Project
Washington, D.C.
We equip people to counter dangerous speech and the violence it catalyzes, through research, education, and policy work.
Primary Audience: General
Countering dangerous speech during elections
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
How to do counterspeech during an election
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Miami Beach, Florida
e.pluribus.US conceives, builds and tests interventions to scalably improve public attitudes toward working with political opponents.
Primary Audience: General
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Fighting to Understand
Mayfield, Ohio
Make seemingly complicated topics into “simply complicated.” We do this by forming a collaborative cross-section of “regular” people to fight to understand a topic, in as much complexity as we can muster. We then present the findings to other regular people.
Primary Audience: non-partisan folks
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, DIY
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Washington, D.C.
Engage Americans to better understand and address growing division, distrust, and dysfunction in our democracy.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 15 states
Breakfast Group
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California
The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Institute for Cultural Evolution
Boulder, Colorado
The mission of the Institute for Cultural Evolution is to advance the evolution of consciousness and culture in America. Our main focus as a think tank is the amelioration of hyper-partisan polarization. Our primary goals are to: 1) Advocate our developmental political perspective through compelling editorials, articles, interviews, and videos in both mainstream and social media 2) Publicize the Institute’s synthetic approach to politics and bring this perspective into the national conversation 3) Promote the practice of “cultural intelligence,” which integrates values from across the political spectrum 4) Build a developmental political platform and movement that establishes higher ground and provides a new home for the politically homeless.
Primary Audience: Civic, business, and political leaders and influencers
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Individuals, Online, DIY
Individuals, Online and In-Person, Facilitated
JUST Listening
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
To provide transformational communication tools and methodologies in furtherance of our vision of a unified, equitable, and peaceful world where all voices are heard and valued. Our work is rooted in love, equity, justice, and an honoring of our common humanity. We emphasize inclusion of everyone, especially those who are normally silenced, ignored, devalued, unnoticed, vulnerable, and/or marginalized.
Primary Audience: Public Benefit Organizations, Organizations serving marginalized people
Geographic Footprint: 20 States
JUST Listening Training: Personal and Social Transformation Through Listening
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
JUST Listening Facilitated Conversations
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Let’s Talk Democracy
Queens, New York
Educating people about our government, encouraging dialogue about the basic foundations of our democracy, and empowering citizens to make their voices heard
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Meet in the Middle for America
Revere, Massachusetts
To bring honest open minds together to discuss the issues that face our country, and develop solutions to the problems that divide us. To promote Unity and Accept Culture. And we will support candidates who Meet in the Middle, and whose allegiance is to voters before party.
Primary Audience: Minority/Underrepresented Groups
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Regular and Guest Blog Contributors
Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Network Building
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Middle Ground School Solutions
Beverly, Massachusetts
Help schools take responsibility for mending polarization by empowering students to reach across lines of ideological or political divide.
Primary Audience: K-12 Educators
Geographic Footprint: 5 States
Customized workshops for K-12 faculty and administrators
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Over Zero
Washington, D.C.
Leverage communication as a means of building resilience to identity-based division and violence.
Primary Audience: Leaders of all kinds
Geographic Footprint: 200 communities
Resiliency Toolkit + Workshops
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Penn State McCourtney Institute for Democracy
University Park, Pennsylvania
We are partisans for democracy. We don't take sides on the political spectrum, but we are passionate advocates for all that democracy entails both inside and outside of politics. We achieve this mission through a variety of research, education, and outreach efforts and partnerships with like-minded organizations.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Individuals, Online, DIY
Psychology of Technology Institute
Los Angeles, California
To help leaders and organizations create a sustainable future for humanity by developing and amplifying technological intelligence.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign
Washington, D.C.
The Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign is a national multifaith coalition dedicated to addressing, countering, and preventing anti-Muslim discrimination in the United States. We connect, equip, and mobilize people of faith and goodwill to be strategic partners in the work of building a more pluralistic and inclusive US.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Training & Workshops on Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign's Annual Ramadan Campaign
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The AntiRacist Table
Washington, D.C.
To bring AntiRacism into life as a daily practice.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 6 Communities
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
The Family Challenge (Coming Soon!)
Individuals or Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
The Center for the Science of Moral Understanding
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The Center for the Science of Moral Understanding harnesses a key insight—that political disagreement is moral disagreement—to conduct original interdisciplinary research. Our work identifies the key drivers of moral and political animosity and develops new science-based ways to overcome that animosity.
Primary Audience: General
The Institute for Civility in Government
Houston, Texas
Build a civility movement that will ask for civil government.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 30 communities
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Groups, In-Person (working on creating online option), DIY
Groups, In-Person, DIY
The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy
Nashville, Tennessee
The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy will examine these moments in history as evidence and elevate research and evidence-based reasoning into the national conversation. Drawing on original content, conversations and curriculums from Vanderbilt’s world-class faculty and visionary thought leaders across America’s political, cultural and societal spectrums, The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy can make a meaningful contribution to solving society’s most pressing challenges and bridging our deepest differences.
Primary Audience: Elected Officials
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Compelling Conversations
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Truth in Common
Washington, D.C.
To reveal how mis- and disinformation further societal division and equip people to bridge it by becoming savvier consumers of information, taking a stand for fact-based decision-making and bringing respect, curiosity and courage to their interactions with others, regardless of viewpoint.
Primary Audience: Community Members
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Truth in Common workshop series
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Consulting on misinformation
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Tufts University Tisch College of Civic Life
Medford, Massachusetts
To prepare students for a lifetime of engagement in civic and democratic life, to study civic life and its intersections with public and private institutions, and to promote practices that strengthen civic life in the United States and around the world.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 2 communities
The Frontiers of Democracy Conference
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
The Summer Institute of Civic Studies
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Elevate how we see ourselves and others beyond confining partisan identities
American Democracy Project
Washington, D.C.
The American Democracy Project is a nonpartisan initiative of AASCU - in partnership with The New York Times - that established a network of nearly 300 state colleges and universities collaborating to deepen the impact public higher education institutions have on preparing students who are empowered to be engaged and to lead in the future of our democracy.
Primary Audience: College Students
American Democracy Project Civic Fellows
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Aspiring Spirit
Beverly, Massachusetts
With the use of the generous listening and dialogue model, we develop and empower individuals for collaboration, community and communication within organizations; including school districts, municipalities, civic groups, corporations and workplaces through the use of two platforms: our podcast and virtual/in-person facilitated programs.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Customized Professional Development
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Keynote speaking
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Leadership Across Divides
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
At AR-GO, we believe in the power of human connection as medicine for our divided times. Through our regular online events, workshops and trainings, we create spaces where people can be truly seen and heard—and learn powerful tools for fostering more meaningful relationships in their everyday lives.
Primary Audience: General
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Bay College Civics Corps
Escanaba, Michigan
The Civics Corps is a national, community-college-based initiative that empowers students and their local communities to be leaders in civic service, intergenerational engagement, and civics education.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Historic Memory Intergenerational Dialogue
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Whole-Self Civics
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Better Smarter Stronger
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Providing education and encouragement we can all use to make our world a better place.
Primary Audience: General
Healing the Divide: Bringing Us Together for a Better Tomorrow
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Braver Angels
New York City, New York
Depolarizing American politics and rebuilding the communal culture of democracy.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40 states
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Skills for bridging the divide
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Canadian Friends Service Committee
Toronto, Ontario
Canadian Friends Service Committee works to promote justice and peace. One of our ongoing programs is informal peace education, conflict transformation, and bridge building work.
Primary Audience: General
Are We Done Fighting? workshop series
Individuals or Groups, Online, Facilitated
Polarization Presentation
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Are We Done Fighting Blog for Psychology Today
Individuals, Online, DIY
Los Angeles, California
Build the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities with transformative tools and frameworks that increase social connection, resilience and bring peace across the world.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Ambassadors of Peace & Nonviolence
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Citizen Discourse
Austin, Texas
Fostering a more civil society by facilitating values-driven experiences designed to help people grow social and emotional skills and connect on a human level.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 5 states
Citizen Literacy and Discussion Ambassador Training
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Citizen University
Seattle, Washington
Build a culture of powerful, responsible citizenship across the country.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 30 states
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Civic Genius
Rochester, New York
Help people become and remain active citizens who work together beyond party lines.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Civics Unplugged
New York, NY
Civics Unplugged is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) social enterprise whose mission is to empower the leaders of Generation Z to build the future of democracy.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Collaborative Solutions
New York, New York
Collaborative Solutions, Inc. works with executive leaders during these demanding pandemic times to shift from 1 P- Profit to 4 Ps- Profit, People, Planet and Purpose, creating sustainable, evolutionary change. Due to the pandemic and the hemorrhaging of talent, we turn the "Great Resignation" into the "Great Retention,” decreasing the huge financial expense while increasing engagement and loyalty, turning talent into a competitive advantage.
Primary Audience: Businesses
Geographic Footprint: 1 State
Groups and Individuals, Online and In-Person, Facilitated
Common Ground Committee
Wilton, Connecticut
Inspire and motivate the public to find common ground and reduce incivility and polarization for a stronger nation.
Primary Audience: The Exhausted Majority
Geographic Footprint: 6 states
Groups and Individuals, Online and In-Person, Facilitated
Individuals, Online, DIY
Compassionate America
Escanaba, Michigan
As an all-volunteer organization, we regularly meet to develop strategies in support of the nation’s pro-democracy movements. Through our YouTube network, we produce and share mission-aligned content to independent-minded Americans, regardless of partisan affiliation. We also are active in political-culture reform through our Declaration of Mission Candidate Challenge, Complaint for Declaratory Relief 50-State Strategy, and partner organization for civic-education, the Collaborative for Compassionate Civic Engagement.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Social Media Amplifying
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Los Angeles, California
In 60 minutes we provide a hard-reset of "humanity" & allow people to CONNECT to one another, in person, in the REAL WORLD & not through the misleading, extreme lens of the SCREEN WORLD.
Primary Audience: General
A 60-Minute Multi-Media Entertainment Experience (testimonials)
Groups, In-Person, Facilitated
Our Mission: Improve social well-being by putting empathy gently back into muscle memory
Our Vision: A world where everyone feels at home in their skin and at home in the world
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism
New York City, New York
The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism is a non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing civil liberties for all people, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding and humanity.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 40 States and Canada
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person
Our mission is to tell compelling stories, through film, that meet 21st Century audiences exactly where they are in the messiness of life, emboldening them in their belovedness by bringing Jesus’ message alive, and reminding them that none of us are alone.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Richmond, Virginia
HOW WE GOT TO NOW seeks to provide context and background on the biggest issues happening today. We want people to understand HOW and WHY our world is the way it is. And by providing the HOW and WHY, we can create a more informed, more empathetic, and more united world.
The Institute for Global Leadership
Worcester, Massachusetts
The Institute for Global Leadership provides confidential, compassionate and skilled guidance, consultation and training to help leaders and teams through change, challenges and crises.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 3 Communities
Training and coaching Reconciliation Leaders
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
America’s online Soul Community
Groups, Online, Facilitated
Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
League of Women Voters of Oxford/North Mississippi
Oxford, Mississippi
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, multipurpose organization of women and men that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences policy through education and advocacy. The League does not support or oppose candidates or political parties. We do provide a forum where all candidates to an office can state their own positions.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Candidate Forums during elections
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Voter Education and Registration
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, DIY
Alexandria, Virginia
Create a culture of American unity for the next generation by producing content, experiences, and leaders that inspire it today.
Primary Audience: Millennials with some faith influence who aren't completely sold on a major party
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, DIY
Individuals, Online, DIY
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Austin, Texas
Promotes emotional health through teaching cutting-edge communication tools in one-on-one coaching or facilitated workshops.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 4 states
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
MainStream Nation
Jensen Beach, Florida
MainStream Nation was founded to create the national media programming and technological infrastructure needed to focus the majority of voters’ will into a culture of consensus and facilitate their ability to organize for success at the ballot box and beyond, without partisan influence.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint:
Reunited National Show
Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Is That Racist?
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
More in Common
New York, New York
Strengthen American democratic culture by building stronger shared stories of 'us'.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
More in Common Podcast
Cleveland, Ohio
Anchor humanity in compassionate conversation
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 city
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Intentional Culture
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
More Like US
Washington, D.C.
More Like US improves the information environment that dangerously distorts our views of fellow Americans across politics.
Primary Audience: Faith Communities & Educational Institutions
Similarity Hub
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Centennial, Colorado
We recenter mental wellness on the family and support the family to be empowered to model and teach mental wellness and we use film to bring awareness of the need for promoting mental wellness.
Primary Audience: Families
Anorexia: What We Wish We Had Known
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY or Facilitated
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY or Facilitated
To promote the foundational truth that every person is a unique individual united by our shared humanity.
Primary Audience: Educators
Prohuman Microgrants
Individuals, Online, Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Prohuman Curriculum
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Nashville, Tennessee
Provide support and community to teachers and librarians who want to strengthen our democracy by facilitating student conversations across ideological divides.
Primary Audience: High School Students
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
Discussions (example)
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY
Project Humanize US
San Francisco, California
The purpose of Project Humanize US is to bridge political divides on the basis of empathy and patience. We aim to start with compassionate dialogue, not dead-end political arguments where facts no longer hold sway on an ever hazier reality.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Red Door Project
Portland, Oregon
The Red Door Project uses narrative art to bridge divides.
Primary Audience: Law Enforcement
Geographic Footprint: 2 States
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Sacred Tennessee Talks
Nashville, Tenneessee
Build community with engagement on common projects.
Primary Audience: Non-voters
Geographic Footprint: 1 community
School suppers to do individual, community asset mapping with goal to work on decentralized economic development
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Society for Social Health
Petaluma, California
As a non-profit, our mission is to accelerate public awareness and build a coalition for professionals doing the work to solve the pervasive modern-day challenge of social disconnect and isolation.
Better Together is our mantra. To support each other in the journey and learn/share best practices. We believe that creating greater awareness and access to solutions to Social Health is best achieved when committed resources work in harmony, together. Together, we are working to create one voice, a common mission, standards, resource guide/directory and pervasive awareness to solve for this modern day disconnection seen in so much loneliness, hyper-individualism, and all the mental and physical illness that emanates from lack of connection.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 50 states
Meaningful Connection Circles
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Society for Social Health Membership
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
SpeakUp, Inc.
Wilmington, Delaware
We believe the political divide we are experiencing is intentional, and data show millions of US citizens feel the same. In a single sentence: Reallocate certain knowledge/power structures from media and political classes and distribute them transparently to the citizens of a country.
Primary Audience: General
Speaker/Spectator Model
Individuals or Groups, Online, DIY
Story Powerhouse
Miami, Florida
We’re a professional and social development organization using award-winning films and workshops to cultivate understanding. Our programs promote safe spaces where people share stories, listen to their peers and learn strategies to cope with the times we’re living in while building interpersonal skills.
Primary Audience: University faculty & staff
Groups, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
Team Democracy
Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Team Democracy promotes the building of bridges across partisan divides, through its signature initiative: The Safe and Fair Election Pledge. The Pledge asks citizens, organizations and elected representatives (and candidates for elective office) to come together in committing to the two most essential guardrails of democracy: safe and fair elections, and the peaceful transfer of power.
Primary Audience: Elected Officials
The Safe and Fair Election Pledge
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Call-to-Action Democracy video
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Team Democracy Challenge
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Center for Innovative Thinking
Asheville, North Carolina
To introduce Reason and Creativity as tenents of civil discourse.
Primary Audience: General
Discussion and Decision framework for trial-jury deliberations
Jurys (Civil, Grand, and Criminal), Online, Facilitated
Community Initiatives
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
The Chamberlain Network
Atlanta, Georgia
At the Chamberlain Network, our mission is to mobilize and empower veterans to protect democracy through organizing, education, and community engagement, ensuring the principles of freedom, social justice, and human rights thrive in a representative democracy.
Primary Audience: Veterans
Geographic Footprint: 3 States
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Curious Project
Santa Cruz, California
People can relax into a mindset of curiosity by playing with art materials in ways that help us pay attention to what our bodies know, instead of what our critical voices are saying. We can discern instead of judge, evaluate instead of fight, experiment instead of needing to be right.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 1 state
Groups or Individuals, In-Person, Facilitated
Guided Scribble Art Meditations (video)
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated
The Dialogue Project
Los Angeles, California
Promote the role of business in improving civil discourse and reducing polarization.
Primary Audience: Business leaders
The Dialogue Divide Research Report
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
The Facing Project
Muncie, Indiana
The Facing Project is a national nonprofit that creates a more understanding and empathetic world through stories that inspire action. We bring people and communities together through acts of empathy that include listening, storytelling, and connecting across differences with the belief that stories are the most powerful tool for change.
Primary Audience: General
Geographic Footprint: 18 States
Community-based Facing Projects
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
The Facing Project Radio Show on NPR
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY
Keynotes, workshops, and classroom visits
Groups, Online or In-Person, DIY or Facilitated
A broad U.S. network designed to prevent violent conflict and build community cohesion.
In order to prevent violence, reduce division, strengthen our democracy, and address legacies of injustice, we are:
(1) growing a network of collaboration across sectors in the fields of peacebuilding, social justice, and democracy work;
(2) establishing a first-of-its-kind citizen-run Early Warning Early Action infrastructure developed specifically for the United States;
(3) connecting international and national-level expertise and advocacy to local initiatives that are convened by community mediation and justice centers on the ground, so that communities are supported in generating and self-determining solutions to their long-standing problems (in keeping with the intent of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 10).
Primary Audience: Peace-building organizations
Early Warning Early Action infrastructure
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
International and national-level expertise sharing
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Trans-sectoral collaboration
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
Nairobi, Kenya
Promote civil discourse by bridging the divide.
Primary Audience: College Students
Geographic Footprint: 2 communities
Platform to engage in Civil Discourse
Groups or Individuals, Online, Facilitated or DIY
Unity Lab
San Diego, California
Bringing together diverse Americans to learn new skills and connect in a private online community.
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
Open-forum city gatherings
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, Facilitated or DIY
US Values Alliance
Los Angeles, California
Promote values as a tool for personal or group alignment and as a way to provide healing to our society.
Primary Audience: General
Values Discussion Guides
Groups or Individuals, Online or In-Person, DIY
why [here] matters
Chattanooga, Tennessee
why [here] matters exists in two primary forms: 1) a community building consultancy that liaises between organizations, initiatives and local communities to strategize, engage and support stakeholders towards advancing collaborative outcomes, and 2) a narrative change initiative founded with the conviction that our nation’s complex reality is best represented through the efforts and voices of local leaders committed to organizing, integrating and improving their own communities.
Primary Audience: General
3-Minute Storyteller
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Invigorating our social imagination through storytelling
Primary Audience: General
Groups or Individuals, Online, DIY